When I arrived back in the Kingdom I visited the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) Flight Surgeons to discuss my medical category and condition. It is slightly amusing that the RSAF cannot produce any Flight Surgeons of their own and they rely on Pakistan Air Force Doctors on loan service but that at least means that they have a more practical aspect to life in general than their prospective Saudi counterparts. They referred to their RSAF medical Manuals and informed me that I would be grounded for 6 months. Fortunately the Head of the RSAF’s Aviation Medicine Section is an ex RAF Group Captain who I know reasonably well. We discussed options and he referred me for assessment to a Sudanese Orthopaedic surgeon who works at the the local military hospital. He was a thoroughly nice chap who had studied in Swansea, London and Manchester and he was amazed at the level of flexion I had after 8 weeks and was very interested with my limited recall of the technique Mr Wilson used. Together with his report and the recommendation from my ex RAF colleague I managed to get back into a cockpit 8 weeks post surgery. As an aside, I felt thoroughly happy at this stage to start flying again and had already tested my knee several times in the Simulator. I have attached a photo of my first mission back with an RSAF Instructor colleague just after we climbed out of the jet. I look absolutely shattered because I truly am. 2 hours of flying in 45 degrees, 90% humidity after 12 weeks off is no fun. Fortunately, being used to flying in the Middle East, we acclimatise quickly!
I would like to extend my thanks to you, Mr Wilson and Dr Groves for the highly efficient and professional service I received since I first made contact in June. I certainly feel that I would be hard pressed to experience better treatment anywhere else in the UK and for that I am truly thankful. I am back to spinning (on a bike) to the level I was 4 months ago. I am not running yet but my knee is showing no sign of discomfort with my current rehab regime. Lisa is sticking rigidly to the rehab schedule and is happy with my progress.
Thank you again for all your help and I am sure our paths will cross again in the future.